construction -


Castle Towers Shopping Centre – Piazza Upgrade

The Castle Towers Expansion Project, Piazza Upgrade Project consisted of the complete upgrade and refresh of the existing Piazza Precinct within Zone 4 of the Centre.


Upgrade works were carried out to Level 3 and Level 4 live restaurant precinct. Works include the installation of two (2) roof canopies over the Precinct and installation of a speciality German made ETFE Roof system to protect the outdoor areas from the elements whilst providing a light filled outdoor dining experience.


The project includes significant upgrades of the Level 3 and Level 4 pavers, painting, ceiling upgrades, wayfinding signage and an overhaul of the landscaping within the Precinct.


Significant services upgrades form part of this package of works with a complete cutover from and existing Fire Indicator Panel (FIP) to a new FIP. Installation of new lighting and BMS controls, security systems as well as base building mechanical alterations. Installation of industrial sizes fans (Big Ass Fans) mounted to underside of roof structure for the desired ambient temperature in the summer months.


Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC)




February 2021